It’s not always easy to tell when Tim Dillon is telling the truth on his signature podcast.
The rebel comic walks the line between reality and farce. To be more accurate, he sometimes stomps all over it.
He might play devil’s advocate one moment, then unleash a truth bomb the next. It’s still hard to hear his post-Thanksgiving episode without coming to one conclusion.
Dillon’s Thanksgiving Day guests insulted the people who made him rich. And he wasn’t pleased about it.
Dillon danced around the subject, mocking the cold food served at his holiday soiree and other adjacent complaints. He eventually got to the point. His liberal dinner guests cared more about the election results than the cranberry sauce or gravy.
And he knew it.
“Life is too short for this bull****,” Dillon said on his popular podcast. “If you cannot sit through a dinner without going off on the election and losing your mind, then I can’t have you at the home. I’m sorry.”
“You have to behave like a rational adult. I feel for these people on the Left because they don’t understand why they lost [on Election Day]. They still don’t get it. It’s because the only thing you people have left is a smug sense of superiority and most people would rather die than agree with you.”
“It’s based on nothing,” he continued. “It’s based on the fact that you went to a four-year college and someone stamped a f***ing degree on a piece of paper … shut up! It’s Thanksgiving. The food is cold!”
Dillon dialed the narrative back, saying he initially preferred not to discuss his holiday imbroglio. He later realized others are likely suffering from similar conflicts.
“Over the next few months this will not be rare. This will not be new. You will experience this and it’s OK,” Dillon said.
It’s worth noting that Dillon, 39, isn’t a rock-ribbed conservative. His politics can be tough to pin down. He’s an openly gay man who doesn’t ascribe to either of the two parties. He has been vocal against Israel’s ongoing war against Hamas and critical of the Democratic agenda.
The trouble began when one of Dillon’s liberal guests pressed Dillon on his fan base.
“‘So, who listens to your podcast?’” one guest asked. “‘What’s the demographics [of the podcast]? Do they have college degrees? Are they college educated?’”
For context, Vice President Kamala Harris, on average, faired better with college-educated voters in her failed bid for the presidency.
Dillon noted that his fans hail from all backgrounds. They also helped him pay for the house where the dinner party was being held.
“They kept hammering this and I knew where they were going,” he said of the college-themed questions. “All they have left is this sense of status that has been bestowed on them by the schools.”
He kept roasting his dinner guests, taking on their personas to do so.
“‘Everyone who has college degrees voted for us, and everyone who didn’t is an idiot. And all the people we pretend to care about, like the workers and minorities that are working in labor and in the service sector, we don’t actually care about them. We think they’re idiots. We like college-educated people, and if you don’t have a college degree you don’t need to apply.’”
Those without a higher education, he mused, won’t understand their “gender Gobbledygook.”
Dillon said he quietly excused himself and left to attend another holiday party, but not after pilfering two pies from his gala.