Jon Stewart’s Bloody Hand Says It All

Feb 26, 2025

Jimmy Failla cites an old political saw on his “Fox Across America” radio show.

“When you’ve got the facts, pound the facts. When you’ve got nothing, pound the table.”

Progressive comedian Jon Stewart may not be a Failla fan. Stewart embodies a divisive political tone, while the right-leaning Failla is more generous of spirit.

Stewart still evoked Failla’s favorite saw this week. Accidentally.

“The Daily Show” host cut his hand open while raging on the set of his Comedy Central showcase.

Stewart’s segment attacked DOGE, the Elon Musk-led government audit which has unearthed a dizzying amount of corruption, waste and fraud in the early days of the second Donald Trump administration.

The American people, by and large, support Musk’s attempts to shrink the U.S. government. It might seem like a bipartisan effort, at least on the surface. Uncovering government bloat means the taxpayer’s money won’t be wasted.

Who disagrees with that? Let’s start with Stewart.

He picked up the progressive playbook and flung it at the usual suspects Monday night. Namely Musk, DOGE and, by extension, Trump.

“How about we just take $3 billion in subsidies we give to oil and gas companies that already turned billions in profits? How long did that take? Oh, wait. How about we just close down the carried interest loophole on hedge funds? That’s $1.3 billion a year,” he exclaimed.

He also addressed military excess, one of DOGE’s upcoming targets.

“Oh, how about we stop the $2 trillion we’ve given to defense contractors to build a fighter jet that blows when everybody knows the next war is going to be fought with drones and blockchain, whatever that is.”

Next, he offered a profanity-laced screed aimed at negotiating drug prices. It’s worth noting that Stewart’s initial “Daily Show” run introduced profanity to the faux news format.

The moment allowed Stewart to attack the Biden administration for crowing about a very modest price reduction. It’s suddenly safe to do so now that the frail leader is out of the White House.

“It would be embarrassing if it was a small drop in the bucket and that the American people didn’t expect that we should negotiate for all their f***ing drugs because we’ve already paid for them with our subsidies! F***ing thanks! Come on!”

Stewart pounded the table at that point, hitting his fist on a coffee cup in front of him. It shattered, slicing open his fingers in the process.

“I’ll be going to the hospital.”

The show went on, albeit with his hand noticeably bloodied.

Stewart can criticize DOGE’s tactics, but he should be outraged by the excesses being uncovered on a daily basis. That’s not the message his fellow Democrats want to share, another reason for the party’s shrinking poll numbers.

Somewhere, Failla is prepping for his syndicated radio show with a huge grin on his face.